Energy transition specialist. Twitter: @simonahac
No. | Bet | Duration | Stakes | Predictor | Challenger |
832. | At least 50% of new car sales in Australia will be electric (EVs) in 2030 or earlier. |
11 years 02020-02030 |
833. |
11 years 02020-02030 |
$1,000 $500 |
834. |
20 years 02020-02039 |
835. | No coal-fired power stations will be built in Australia's main grids between 2010 and 2030. |
10 years 02020-02030 |
836. |
10 years 02020-02029 |
837. |
20 years 02020-02040 |
838. |
20 years 02020-02040 |
839. |
16 years 02020-02035 |
841. | Nuclear energy will decline as a proportion of global electricity generation over the 2020s. |
9 years 02020-02029 |
$400 $200 |
842. | Small Modular Reactors will produce less than 1% of global electricity in 2040. |
20 years 02020-02040 |
879. |
20 years 02021-02041 |
Predictions that Holmes à Court has challenged.
No. | Bet | Duration | Stakes | Predictor | Challenger |
No Challenges submitted. |