I am a co-founder of this service.
No. | Bet | Duration | Stakes | Predictor | Challenger |
118. | By 02060 the total population of humans on earth will be less than it is today. |
53 years 02017-02070 |
$400 $200 |
119. |
82 years 02003-02085 |
$2,000 $1,000 |
120. |
22 years 02003-02025 |
$800 $400 |
121. |
100 years 02003-02103 |
122. |
60 years 02003-02063 |
$500 $250 |
123. | Downtown American cities in two hundred years will look pretty much as they do now. |
200 years 02003-02203 |
$400 $200 |
172. |
71 years 02004-02075 |
Predictions that Kelly has challenged.
No. | Bet | Duration | Stakes | Predictor | Challenger |
70. |
50 years 02002-02052 |
623. | In ten years, people will be watching more live video than pre-recorded. |
10 years 02012-02022 |