Steven B Kurtz (kurtzs)

Steven B. Kurtz, a Philosophy graduate of New York University, is a former member of The Canadian Association for The Club of Rome and the International Society for the Systems Sciences. Steve does research and volunteer work in areas including Population-Environment issues, Ecological Economics, and Sustainable and Peaceful Futures. He now resides in Portland, Maine.

Bets & Predictions that Kurtzs' placed


Barring an unexpected decline in human numbers from current levels, biodiversity will not reverse its downward trend, air and water pollution will not reverse their increasing trends,(all according to World Resources Institute data) and the WHO will not report a decrease in the percentage of humans with persistent illnesses.

10 years

Steven B Kurtz


The annual average cost between 2003 and Dec 31 2005 of the total retail price (commercial and residential) per Kilowatthour of electricity in the United States will rise as calculated by the U.S. Departmentof Energy in chained (inflation-adjusted) U.S. dollars.

3 years

Steven B Kurtz

Patrick Burns


Commercially available electricity from nuclear fusion will not be utilized in an electric grid by 2035 as predicted by the Fusion Industry Association.

12 years

Steven B Kurtz

Bets & Predictions Kurtzs' challenged

Predictions that Kurtz has challenged.


Over the next ten years, we will make measurable global progress in all five areas of the human condition: food, access to clean water, health, education, and the price of energy.

? years

Patrick Burns

Steven B Kurtz