Rogier M Sluimers (rmsluimers)

Originally interested in JRPG's in my teenage years, I am now a Web Developer simply because I need the money. I feel like I'm one of the few people who see contemporary ongoing inescapable natural quantative shortages that can only be solved by technological innovation and it's gross effects it has on the world and public opinion, and being capable of holding this thought for more than a few days. Others in my opinion can't help themselves but fall into the trap of seeing the shortage as either 'artificially evil' or 'non-existant with it's consequences scientifically and morally justified' and change can only be brought by political revolutions, mass epiphanies, tyranny or a mass desire to return to the dark ages. I consider myself as someone who thinks out of the box, but I don't know if that's an accurate description of me for you, as I have the feeling that everyone has a different opinions on what that means. Perhaps it's best said that sometimes my opinions can differ wildly, can take months or years to even prove myself correct and I don't care about the amount of time it takes to get this idea to work, often resulting in my own negligence, as I'm not as good as "insert succesful tech person here" to pull such things off as fast and succesfully. I'm grateful my father bails me out constantly. -- -- Most of my predictions I have chosen are ones that I consider to be considered by others as wildly off the mark as possible, especially by the current best and brightest experts, but still get them right. Because those are the ones that are most interesting. If I'm right, then what did people believe when they were all thinking I was wrong. What arguments did they use? Why were they wrong? -- -- My big interest right now is decentralization, especially when it comes to ownership and income. That's why I hang out at, which is a self-hosting OS based on Arch Linux and try to make a duniter plugin for it, a decentralized Web-of-Trust cryptocoin platform. It's taking me forever. Wish me luck. -- -- P.S. It's 2016 now and my predictions are taking longer than expected. The James Webb Telescope and other ground telescopes, Gandarusa/RISUG/Vasalgel, China's economy, it's all taking longer than I hoped for and some of them were due to taking other's optimistic timetable (JWT/RISUG) at face value. I guess I'm not the only one who is wildly optimistic in their plans and progress. What's worse, I completely missed the 3D printer revolution. When I read about it in 2008 on wikipedia, I dismissed it by taking the first article I could find and took that as proof that 3D printers was just a paranym for CNC millers and laser cutters. Even today tech writers insist with "me too" articles that the newest laser cutter or CNC miller is just like a 3D printer, grrrrr.......

Bets & Predictions that Sluimerss' placed


By 2025, new astronomical observations and theories will render the Big Bang an untenable explanation for the origin of the Universe.

16 years

Rogier M Sluimers


By 2025, Albert Einstein's theory of relativity will be considered an untenable explanation for light and gravity by a majority of scientists.

16 years

Rogier M Sluimers


By 2025, Quantum field theory will no longer be part of The Standard Model of particle physics.

16 years

Rogier M Sluimers


By 2025, The giant impact hypothesis will no longer be the dominant scientific hypothesis for the formation of the Moon.

16 years

Rogier M Sluimers


By 2025, Stellar nucleosynthesis will no longer be considered as the main source of heat and light of stars by a majority of scientists.

16 years

Rogier M Sluimers


By 2025, The Aether Physics Model will not have replaced quantum physics and the theory of relativity as the standard model.

16 years

Rogier M Sluimers


Somewhere before 2050 abortion on request and/or for socio-economic factors will be illegal worldwide.

41 years

Rogier M Sluimers

Dan Miller


By 2050 the tallest free or non-free standing structure in the world will reach over 10 kilometers in height.

41 years

Rogier M Sluimers


The nation with the highest (nominal) gdp in the world in 2025 will be China.

17 years

Rogier M Sluimers

Bets & Predictions Sluimerss' challenged

Predictions that Sluimers has challenged.


Within 5 years all power plants will be converted to full-spectrum laser-fired---all oil/gas/coal/nuclear power plants will be obsolete and retired.

4 years

Carla Hein