Bet 754

Duration 3 years (02018-02020)

“The broadcasting function of chatbot will end up in failure due to its disrupting nature. There will be a short downfall for the chatbot to become a mainstream technology. After enterprises learn the mistakes, the real age of intelligent chatbot will come.”

Tsz Ho So


So's Argument

Inbound marketing is the proper approach when it comes to promotion. There will be many businesses that make use of the chatbot technology to spam the users on different social media platforms or instant messaging applications. This will end up in users migrating to another platforms or applications that provide better privacy and fewer interferences. The ability to broadcast message to a large number of audiences is a tempting idea to many enterprises and they will not be able to outweigh the harms of frequent broadcasting with the business benefits it is able to bring in short-term. Many businesses will exploit the technology and piss off the majority of users due to the horrible user experience. (Imagine having 15 - 20 companies sending you messages every single day to promote their own products or services) Law and regulation on this specific area will be reinvented to better protection of how enterprises are allowed to communicate with the individual. That being said, such type of marketing bot will be able to surge in business for a period of time no longer than 2 years.

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