Bet 637

Duration ? years (02012-???)

“The phenomenon of larger than expected black holes ala NGC 1277 will be identified as a marker of advanced alien societies progressing according to John Smart's transcension hypothesis.”

Benjamin P Woosley


Woosley's Argument

According to John M. Smart's paper, The Transcension Hypothesis: Sufficiently Advanced Civilizations May Invariably Leave Our Universe, and Implications for METI and SETI, "The transcension hypothesis proposes that a universal process of evolutionary development guides all sufficiently advanced civilizations into what may be called 'inner space,' a computationally optimal domain of increasingly dense, productive, miniaturized, and efficient scales of space, time, energy, and matter, and eventually, to a black-hole-like destination." - The resolution of the Fermi Paradox is one of utmost importance to mankind, and the existence of unexpected stellar configurations in line with a theory of societal and technological progression provide a chance at a verifiable answer to this quandary.

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