Bet 449

Duration 41 years (02008-02050)

“Somewhere before 2050 abortion on request and/or for socio-economic factors will be illegal worldwide.” Detailed Terms »

Rogier M Sluimers


Sluimers's Argument

By the beginning next decade the number of abortions will make a nose-dive due to a better anti-conception being brought on the market, significantly reducing the number of abortions worldwide, giving me plenty of time to see people's attitudes change towards abortion, ruin abortion clinics worldwide financially, thus paving the way to pro-life advocates to take over and make my prediction come true.

Sluimers was challenged to a bet!

Rogier M Sluimers is negotiating the terms of a bet about this prediction. It will soon be added to Bets on the Record.

Detailed Terms

On January 1, 2050, no country or region will allow legal abortion for socioeconomic reasons or at the discretion of the mother.